

Friday, December 29, 2006

He is Gone!!

He was executed today. The largest Iraqi community in the United States is celebrating here in town.
As far as I am concerned, it would be very hard claim that this dictator deserved any lesser punishment, but the timing was ruthless, unprecedented and unacceptable, not to mention that it reveals a deep lack of knowledge as far as the Muslim and Arab populations are concerned.

Once again, the Bush administrations proves that it is either extremely Middle-East -ignorant, or they are intentionally provoking division within the Iraqi community, or both.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Unacceptable and Unexpectable.

My supervisor, a nice man in his fifth decade, came to me one late afternoon asking me about Lebanon, Iran's president and what I thought of the Conference about the Holocaust. I simple said that I do not agree with the way he flamboyantly declares the extermination of israel, but as much as any human being should condemn these acts, I was glad that subject as a holocausts is being talked about and debated, and not such a taboo anymore. I also asserted that the isrealis have been using these massacres, which were not done by us, to commit their massacres against us.

But today, I read an entry by Behi and was surprised…. What? White supremacists attended the conference. An article published BBC news, but since I have recently lost faith in BBC's neutrality, I looked somewhere else... The Independent, it was also mentioned there.

What a shame. What a shame!!!

ميشال عون

I was a little surprised with this article

They Do not even know he is in the opposition.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Double Standard

The Civilized EU leaders met and decided their view and policies for us, the uncivilized world.

what's intriguing is their full support to PM Saniora, for after all, he is democratically (indirectly) elected by the people. On the other hand, the Palestinian people have to go hungry for months because they elected, democratically, someone who those same Civilized leaders do not agree with.

Also, another big news: UK drops fraud charges against officials in relation with the arms deal with the Saudi's, violating the international convention, as stated by one English officials. One of Blair's excuses..."it will hurt the war on terrorism". and it was also stated that the decision was "not be influenced by considerations of national economic interest".

Monday, December 11, 2006

القيء المذهبي®

كتب جوزف سماحة.....

الشعارات التي رفعها «المستقبل» للمواجهة تثير حساسية مذهبية («كرامة بيروت»، «موقع رئاسة الحكومة»، تحريم انتقاد «المعتدلين العرب»، إلخ...). ومن يراقب بدقّة يلاحظ أن نوعاً من تقسيم العمل نشأ. للرئيس فؤاد السنيورة دور رجل الدولة العاقل، الهادئ، المحاصر، الحريص على المؤسسات، الداعي إلى الحوار، المدافع عن ممارسات حكومته... لرئيس «تيار المستقبل» سعد الحريري دور الدخول في السجال السياسي، واتهام الخصوم بأنهم أداة في محور إقليمي، واستحضار جمهور رفيق الحريري، والإيحاء أن التناقض بين العروبة الأصيلة والشعوبية، إلخ... وللمؤسسة الدينية المذهبية، من القمة إلى القاعدة، دور الهجوم الصريح على «الحزب» وأمينه العام. وجرى التسامح، هنا، مع استخدام ترسانة شبه تكفيرية ذات مضمون مستقى من تنويعة زرقاوية. ولا مبالغة في القول إن الخطاب الأخير كان هو الخطاب التعبوي الأقوى، وخاصة في الأرياف المهملة (عكار، الضنية، البقاع الغربي، الإقليم...) ولدى الأوساط الشعبية القلقة التي يصعب حشدها بشعارات ذات صلة بباريس ــ 3 وخصخصة قطاعات الاتصال والكهرباء.
يجب أن نضيف إلى ذلك استنفار أقلام سعودية تراوح بين الوهابية الصافية والليبرالية الحديثة النعمة. ولقد وجد أصولي مرتدّ نيوليبرالي مستجدّ أن في معركة «الثلث الضامن» أصداء معركة تدور منذ قرون

وللمزيد من القرف ال14 آذاري، إقرأ النص كامل

**القيء المذهبي®: ماركة مسجلة باسم المدون هلال......على ما أعتقد.


Kadisha Valley.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

معادلة بسيطة

تحت عنوان "معادلة بسيطة" كتب أحد القراء، "رجل تريد أن تقتله اسرائيل لأنه يشكل تهديد لأمنها و رجل تدعمه اسرائيل لأنه يشكل ضمانة لأمنها. فأي الرجلين يحق أن يتبع؟ رجل يشتمه بوش و أولمرت صبح مساء ورجل يغدق عليه الدعم من أمريكا و اسرائيل"

السؤال المتمم هو هل أن ما يفعله هؤلاء، أي ألمرت و بوش، يأتي في سياق الترويج للفتنة أم هو حقيقة خوفهم على مصالحهم؟
فأما إذا كان للفتنة فيا لها من مصيبة لتحالف 14 آذارمع الأمريكيين(وهم ينكرون ذلك طبعا، كمن يختبئ خلف إصبعه).... أما إذا كان لمصالح هؤلاء، فيا لها ن مصيبة المصائب فالأشرف للسنيورة ان يسقيل على أن يكون حافظا للمصالح الإسرائيلية

لكن السنيرة وللأسف لا يسمع ما يحدث في العالم خارج السراي إلا مايقوله السيد حسن للرد عليه والباقي "دايرلو الأذن الطرشى".. وللمزيد إقرأ ما أتى في آخر المقال

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Mood

I am struggling to keep my opinionated inclinations in check these days. For on one hand, I firmly believe that what the opposition is asking for is a fare and reasonable propositions. These propositions provide the right representation of the Lebanese population. In addition to that, I despise the current PM, Saniora, and the people/parties he represents for all they are doing and have done during the war in the summer (and even before all of that), and definitely want him out of that office. But on the other hand, I pray that all the diplomatic visit lead to a resolution and these demonstrations, while absolutely rightful, would come to an end as soon as possible. Although unlikely, Things could get out of hand.

Until then, I go on with my pursuit for some impartial blogs to monitor my political inclinations. Any suggestions??

Sunday, December 03, 2006


A must read article by Joseph Samaha. A reasonable assessment of the current situation.

The Day I'd Lose Hope.

It has always been considered that Lebanese politicians are individuals who eloquently bend the truth, are very effective at selling words and slogans and rarely delivering on their promises. In the mean time, “clean politicians” have always been sidelined and overshadowed. With leaders like Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and General Aoun, that not been the case.

I do not need much effort to relate to the extreme loyalty and respect that many Lebanese, especially the Muslim Shiite, pledge to Sayyed Hassan. He has been honest so far, following through with his promises, led the liberation of the southern part of Lebanon from occupation, and had shown a great deal of organization that led to many victories (that last one is open to debate, I know). I can also relate, but to a much lower extents, with the reason why many Christians in Lebanon cheer for General Aoun as well. Just like most other Lebanese sects, they are just utterly sick of dishonest politicians with shady pasts.

That being said, and in a scenario where the current demonstration lead to the forming a new clean government, If the new leadership fail to deliver on their promises (which includes, among other things, sharing the government with others, rebuilding, etc), That would be the Day I’d get close to losing hope and giving up on Lebanon. If such leadership would prove to be corrupt, I do not know how can any “clean leader” ever exist in the Lebanese political arena. If that happens, I still have no idea what would I do.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


جملة من وحي المناسبة. مختصرة لكن معبرة.
"إن فقدتم الأمل فاخترعوه"-الدكتور سليم الحص